Capital Team Completing King Manor’s HVAC Reconstruction Preservation Project

Preservation projects are not always glamorous, but they're crucial to the survival of our historic houses and their collections. HHT is working on a preservation project to replace King Manor's HVAC system to ensure a stable environment for the museum's precious objects.
- Total Cost: $525,000 (City Council, Borough President, and Mayoral Capital Funds)
- Project Intent: Replace all HVAC equipment in-kind while minimizing the impact to the historic building and site.
- Project Timeline: March 2020 – April 2021
- Construction Site Management: NYC Parks Capital Division
- Sub-Contractor: Arista Plumbing, Heating, and Piping Corp.
- Archaeologist: Chrysalis Archaeological Consultants
King Manor has a fascinating history that includes the story of its most famous resident, Rufus King, a member of the Continental Congress, a framer and signer of the Constitution, one of the first Senators from New York State, the Ambassador to Great Britain under four presidents, and an outspoken opponent to slavery. The house was purchased by Rufus King and his wife in 1805, and remained in the King family until 1896. The house opened as a museum a few years later in 1900. Learn more about King Manor and its inhabitants.